Design Portfolio Product Page Layout
Goals: increase conversion, increase average order value, reduce bloat
User Recordings and Heatmaps
In order to optimize our product page template, we needed to know what was working and what wasn't. We leveraged A/B testing, user recordings, click maps, move maps, and scroll maps. We could remove, collapse, or minimize areas that did not get as much engagement, allowing us to focus on the more important parts of the pages and make space for new features.
Customer Surveys
To ensure we had the right hierarchy and told product feature stories in the right order, we leveraged site surveys to better understand what was meaningful or valuable to our customers.
Experience Delivery
We were able to organize the template in such a way that it could be full-featured for more complex products or minimal for simpler products. We also identified an area to encourage bundling products together, and another area to showcase similar or related products. Product Registration Process
Goals: reduce friction, reduce contacts to customer care
Research and Design
Product registration can be a complex process for the customer, especially when you make several similar products for most of the world's popular mobile devices. To reduce friction and drive down customer care contacts, we had to understand all of the customer pain points. We worked with the Care team to identify common complaints, and validated with user recordings, click maps, and move maps.
Experience Delivery
Phase 1 included several features and experiences to make it easier for the customer to register their product, and we've prioritized future experiences that should remove even more friction. Warranty Replacement Process
Goals: reduce friction, reduce contacts to customer care, introduce cross-sell or up-sell opportunities
Research and Design
With the Limited Lifetime Warranty being one of the biggest selling points for the screen protector product, we needed to make sure the process to take advantage of it was as seamless as possible for the customer. Once again, we asked the Care team for common complaints, and then validated with user recordings, click maps, and move maps.
Experience Delivery
We organized the entire process to be like a streamlined checkout process. Because we reduced friction by optimizing the entire process, we were able to introduce the ability for the customer to optionally upgrade or side-grade their product without adding frustration (and in fact adding delight for those that want to take advantage of that experience).
OpenSprints Racing Software
Goal: create interactive software that is both useful and entertaining
Research and Planning
OpenSprints is software for stationary racing bikes, designed for 2-4 racers competing against each other in a public setting. The purpose of this project was to create a racing interface for the spectators. My research included a deep dive into understanding how the race setup side of the software translated to the spectator experience. I attended a live event to see how the spectators, racers, and event hosts each interacted with each other, the bike setups, and the software, which was always projected on a big screen behind the racers. The research and design process was very collaborative with the product manager and software engineers.
Experience Delivery
The final design would leverage high contrast, to ensure it was visible when projected onto a screen. When compared to the original spectator interface, the new racing animations were designed to give a better feel of which racer was leading a race or what place each racer got at the end. We also added some features and experiences to help with event efficiency, like making it easier to set up a new race quickly, showing what racers should be on deck, and adding other general notes from the event host.
Rakuten Marketing Ad Analysis Tool
Goals: remove complexity, add features, improve branding
Current State, User Feedback, Cards
This project, at its core, was to improve the general usability of the ad analysis tool. Clients were intimidated by the interface, which meant account managers were constantly running reports. Our hope was to make the interface more intuitive for both clients and managers. The product manager and I worked with account managers to identify what worked, what didn't work, and what was missing. We created user story cards and organized them for client, manager, and both.
Whiteboard Sketch, Interactive Wireframes
We did a few rounds of rough whiteboard mocks, and when we felt good, I created interactive wireframes that we could test and then iterate. We again worked with the account managers to validate. This is also when we showed it to the software engineers and project manager for a gut check.
Experience Delivery
I leveraged the brand style guide to give the designs some polish. I made high-fidelity mock-ups and prototypes to test one more time with the account managers and product manager. I worked with the project manager to create user story tickets with acceptance criteria for every aspect of the designs.